News - pharmaLevers

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News & Downloads
  • Navigating Market Access Uncertainty: Managing Uncertainty in HTA and P&R. Newsletter

  • Paradox of Health Care & Pharma Costs: Analysis of OECD economic and health data for nine countries. Newsletter

  • Prevalence for P&R: impact on P&R decision? Newsletter

  • Societal Perspective: a benefit dilution effect? Newsletter

  • Pricing Models (MESs): Course or Blessing: Newsletter

  • Swiss Cell-& Gene Therapy: different P&R processes: Newsletter

  • Innovative Funding - Installment- & Amortization: Newsletter

  • Cell & Gene Therapy - Budget Impact: Newsletter

  • Cell & Gene Therapy - in a Nutshell: get insights from youtube video (2 min)

  • Affordability - a new decade in health care: get insights from youtube video (8 min)

  • Swiss Payer Study, Aug 2020:
    Proposed solutions for the handling of cost-intensive medicines
    Are the applied pricing models and managed entry agreements (MEAs) for the 20 highest-selling medicines of 2019 sustainable and effective for the healthcare sector? What further optimizations would be appropriate to dampen the cost development? A narrative, solution-oriented approach from a cost object perspective.
    Client: This study was commissioned by curafutura – The Innovative Health Insurers (click here for pdf)

  • Precision Medicine: concept & reimbursement: Newsletter (Nr.8, Feb 2019)

  • Multi Option Reimbursement: Total Value Pricing: Newsletter (Nr.7, Sept 2017)

  • Brochure: Re-Evaluation - a continuos life cycle endeavor (Swiss Triennial Revison)

  • Valueframeworks: what is the impact?: Newsletter (Nr.6, Dec 2016)
  • pharmaLevers has developed  the ISPOR GLOBAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM ROAD MAP for Switzerland. The Pharmaceuticalsand Medical Devices road maps are no longer available on the ISPOR website - please contact pharmaLevers to get the road maps.
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